Initial Storyboard:
There were a couple of complications concerning the scope of the project as the clients were providing me with the audio and script that I was supposed to work with. When I received the script, I was informed that it was only a draft and there was no audio that accompanied it. I initially made this storyboard with the first draft script I received. The audio for the video became a constraint as I was unable to get a grasp on the length of the video. I had to renegotiate the project because of the script not being ready and ended up making only one 3-minute long video instead of two separate 90-second videos.

Final Composition:
This project was a big learning experience for me not only on the business side of design but also on the technical aspects of creating a video of that length. This video allowed me to delve deeper into After Effects and explore features that I otherwise had little to no experience with. Overall, the experience allowed me to be more confident as a designer.